
Thursday, August 22, 2013

What's on the Plate

My academic affairs keep me quite busy these days, but I have already begun work on the next two novels. Both The Deadsong and Sliding the Line take place within the same world, and they share some of the same characters and geography, and the next two works will also maintain some connection to the existing two. One of the works in progress I had intended to complete and publish after The Deadsong is titled Console, which is a cyberpunk body horror novel that explores video game addiction and societal preoccupation with technology. The other piece on the shelf I'm really excited to jump into is called Noland Hall. It's about a college dormitory that was once a tuberculosis hospital. Lots of dark stuff bubbling in the pot, and I can't wait to scrawl them down on the page and put them in your hands.

In the meantime, as time permits, I will be working on some short stories I've been neglecting for some time. Some of them are pretty tame, but there are a few that'll burn your socks off. I'm looking to publish these in traditional markets (hell, you know how starving artists need the folding green), and the exposure will be nice.

Soon, I'll be taking part in a writing workshop taught by Jack Ketchum, who is best known for his disturbing novel The Girl Next Door. I don't typically go for visceral horror, but this guy is an expert, and I think he can show me a thing or two.

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